Hello! My name is Jiaman Wu (吴佳蔓). My friends usually call me Betty.
I studied economics and statistics in college. Although I enjoy a conversation about investing or a friendly debate on frequentist vs Bayesian statistics, I eventually landed a career in data science. I recently finished my Master’s degree. And I’m currently working as a marketing data scientist. My work focuses on market acquisition through the thoughtful application of experimental designs and machine learning models.
M.S. in Data Science, 2020 - 2022
Duke University
B.A. in Statistics, 2015 - 2019
University of California, Davis
B.A. in Economics, 2015 - 2019
University of California, Davis
As a member of an early-stage start-up, I actively involved in all aspects of the business and helped to estalish common practices and guidelines in data analytics. My main efforts include:
Initiated the movement from Excel to R, which significantly expedited the data analysis process and the rotation table designing process.
Discovered discrepancies and errors in the consumer study database, cleaned the existing database, and enhanced the data collection process to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
Analyzed product data and extracted product insights by employing inferential statistical testing and data visualization. Innovated the analysis for text data by introducing sentiment analysis in Natural Language Processing.
Led report writing to communicate findings and business recommendations to clients, including Fortune 500 companies. Delivered workshops regularly to train interns in adequate statistical and programming skills.
Trained and validated classifiers to identify high risk patients with transportation challenges. Advanced as 2nd round finalists out of 279 competing teams.
Built and evaluated a logistics regression model to seperate edible and poinous mushrooms by engineering features and performing rigorious model selections. Identified and interpreted important features.
Built a serverless continuous delivery pipeline for language translation on AWS. Launched the web app that is capable of provisioning, deploying and scaling automatically.
Built econometric models to identify relationships between economic recessions and educational attainment.
Python, R, SQL